Thursday, July 29, 2010

This Picture Makes Me Smile...

(It's a little bit overexposed but I still love it!)

I took this picture on C's birthday.  He had a pretty darn good day.  In the morning the girls went to help Grandma and Abby and we just had mommy and C time.  Boy howdy...we need that every once in awhile (gonna get more of that when the girlies go back to school at the end of August).   Then we went to pick up M from Abby and they played and had a fun time spending time together.  He took a really good nap then he played some more with M.  They had been having fun squealing and playing with his free balloon from Kent's.  I caught this picture while they were playing together before the birthday party.  I love that smile on his cute little face.  I love that M loves him to pieces!  This was one of those "I wish I could freeze time" moments.

I love these ones too!  He's got the biggest eyes!!!

(These are also a little overexposed and a little blurry...that darn 50mm of mine...its a love hate relationship... I love it to pieces and its my favorite lens but...with the camera I have it is only manual focus.... I never can tell if its out of focus or if my contacts are dry and blurry... I guess I'll have to upgrade cameras... someday...if I can get money to grow on trees!!!)

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