Tuesday, August 25, 2009

YAY!!! It's Fair Week....

We are so stinking excited it's fair week. I know we are kind of dorks. I asked J the other day if we are the only people in the world that get so excited it's fair week. He laughed. The girls are most likely not going to show this year. O is too old for the leadline class and she has to move up to the walk/trot class. We are NOT quite brave enough yet. And really I don't want to haul the horse in for just M and then have to listen to O cry because she didn't get to show. So we are probably going to forgo showing on Friday. Next year, we'll be ready. But we are still excited. I don't know what it is about the fair but we have such a good time. I think we spend a lot of time and money over there this week.

We are ready for school to start next Monday. The girls went and met their teachers. M already knew hers but we really didn't have a clue who O's teacher was. She seems like a nice lady. Yesterday I started back in school. I am going to USU. I have two class and they are both online. My brain hurts already. Isn't that pretty sad. Lots and lots and lots of reading.

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