Monday, June 20, 2011

Little Ladies Man

Citorie & Cash
Picture by Nicole Nelson Photography
Vicki & Tyler's Wedding

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fishing at the Fish Farm in No. Ogden

We didn't have anything to do on Saturday so Joe decided he wanted to take the kids fishing at the fish farm in No. Ogden.  When we went to Whitney last year Oaklie caught all the fish....McCall caught nada...  So this was an opportunity for all the kiddos to catch some fish.  We had a lot of fun.  I think McCall caught three, Oaklie caught three, Cash caught one, and I caught three.  Cash thought the fishing was fun until he caught one and that darn fish was out of the water.  Then it kind of freaked him out.  Joe literally was holding him tight to get the shot of him, Cash and the fish.  He wanted nothing to do with that thing.  Silly boy!  We even had fish for dinner that night....which says a lot because we are NOT fish eaters around here...(well, Joe maybe but definitely not me!) It really didn't taste fishy at all.  Cash thought it was chicken.  He told us that was good chicken :)