Last Christmas, I finally talked Joe into getting a piano (it helped it was only $200) for the girls and starting them in piano lessons as part of their Christmas presents. We have a very nice teacher who lives a little ways down the street from us. The girls enjoy riding their bikes down to her house and back. She is kind and loving and patient with them. She normally only takes students after they turn eight, but she said we'd start McCall on a little trial basis to see how well she does. She has been very impressed with both of them. They have really improved since starting right before Christmas. McCall is getting really good at reading the notes on the music and playing the corresponding keys that goes with that note. Oaklie is getting really good too. But I think that she sometimes focus on listening and going by what she hears instead of reading the music. She will get through it though!
This past Sunday they had their first piano recital and they did so good! We were really proud of them. I felt a little bad for McCall because she knew her little songs by heart and had practiced so hard but the nerves got to her a little bit. But she powered through it. McCall played Jingle Bells, Birthday Party and her own little made up song Popcorn. Oaklie got up there and just played wonderfully! She played I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ and her little made up song Waterfall. Way to go girls!! Thank you to our families for supporting them!
Here are some pictures from before the rectial:
Here is their recital. Sorry for the poor quality video!
"Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake." Victor Hugo