Thursday, June 18, 2009


I have come to the decision that the Tremonton Parks & Recreation needs to schedule the games on a weekly basis depending on the weather report for that week. Oh my heavens, I am not complaining about the wonderful rain we have received but man it sure likes to down pour on the days the kids' games are schedule. Oh well at least it is not 110 degees yet!

The kids are having a ball playing. Justin Roche is their coach and has done a great job. He has really tried to help the kids learn to play ball - complete with the stance and all! The poor guy has his work cut out for him. A couple of the kids on the team all dive for the ball when it is hit then they roll around fighting (good fighting, I guess) and giggling over who gets the ball. They are sure cute. The girls have only had a couple issues. During the game I took these pictures at it was the last batter and M was on 2nd and O on 1st. They were suppose to run around the bases, well M didn't think O should have ran so they got in a little quarrel out on 2nd base. It was funny.

They have really picked up on hitting the ball harder and yesterday's game they both had some good hits. We are really proud of them and hope they are enjoying it as much as we are watching them!

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