Thursday, June 18, 2009

Almost 11 Months

Yikes!!! C is almost 11 months old. He has grown so much and is cruising around like crazy. He still doesn't know about the actual walking bit but he does like walking around furniture. I had to take him to the doctor a month ago and he weighed 18.6 lbs and was 28.5" long. He is kind of a skinny mini but he seems so stout. He is average height for his age. He has six teeth (two just have broken through lately). His hair is starting to really fill in. He loves being outside with his dad. And LOVES (I cannot emphasize that enough) riding on the Ranger. He loves his "da" which I think is dog. And the little stink says Daddadddaa all the time and only Mammmaaaa when he wants out of the high chair, playpen, stroller, or crib. He has started getting a little attitude and is learning to throw a fit with the best of them. Here are some random pictures of him:

The other day he was in his playpen just babbling to himself on his back looking at his book. What a cute little man. We love him so much!

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