Thursday, March 19, 2009

Can you hear it?

So when the kids are complaining or whining I rub my fingers together and ask the girls if they can her it. They ask what it is and I tell them its the worlds smallest violin and I am playing "My Heart Breaks for You." So today M was messing around with the Wii and I couldn't hold her still so I could point the remote at the Wii and I asked her to stop wiggling. She looked at my and started rubbing her fingers together and said,"Can you hear it?" Its a small violin and I am playing "My Heart Breaks for You." Oh my... I busted a gut laughing. The things small ones catch on to.


Stephanie said...

I can just see her doing that too.
Do you think she keeps cutting her hair because her cousins just got theirs chopped off? I just thought of that. Who knows with your wild ones though.
ha ha

tallgirl said...

you better watch out, she probably acts just like you!!!!! good to see your cute kids!!!!!ww

Dave and Krisha said...

Stacie, I was so glad you found my blog! What a beautiful family you have!!! Don't you love it when we hear ourselves coming and going. I often hear Chloe "disciplining" her brothers and I have to bust a gut too! Great to hear from you! Stay in touch- Krisha

tallgirl said...

hay i will ask casy and let you know when we are up, do you want to house us? thanks ww